CSAT SOR III to IV Guidance now available on SPARS

The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) has issued new guidance for State Opioid Response (SOR) program grantees transitioning from SOR III to SOR IV grant funding. CSAT recognizes that substance use disorder treatment may be lifelong, and clients may span multiple grants. These grants require data collection and reporting through the CSAT Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Client Outcome Measures for Discretionary Programs Tool (GPRA Client Outcome Measures Tool).
The guidance below summarizes the official CSAT SOR III to IV Guidance available on SPARS. This resource assists grantees in managing client data transitions between the SOR III and SOR IV grants in SPARS. Specifically, it explains how to:
- Close out clients no longer receiving services under SOR
- Report GPRA Client Outcome Measures Tool data during any SOR III no-cost extension
- Transfer clients from SOR III to SOR IV period
Refer to CSAT SOR III to IV Guidance for data entry details for each scenario. Additional resources, including frequently asked questions, question-by-question guides, and codebooks for the GPRA Client Outcome Measures Tool, are available on the SPARS Resources page.
If you have questions, contact the SPARS Help Desk via email, SPARSHelpDesk@mathematica-mpr.com or by phone, 800-685-7623, from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET.
Announcement Posted: 9/20/2024